



  • bdxm3u8
  • 剧情介绍

2021-11-27T20:01:38 1989年香港9.0分恐怖,香港,1989,恐怖片类电影《尸降》粤语版

"A HK archaeologist goes on dig near the River Kwai with his sister Ching Ching and cousin Peter. The village thug Tiger fancies Anna, but Anna loves Peter. To complicate matters, Tiger is the son of a witch doctor who was recently defeated for Chief of the village by Anna's father. Annoyed at being snubbed, Tiger seeks his father's help to raise a zombi (that's without the "e" on the end !) to take revenge. An old woman, presumably a good witch, manages to defeat and kill the witch doctor. B... 本剧最后更新时间"A HK archaeologist goes on dig near the River Kwai with his sister Ching Ching and cousin Peter. The village thug Tiger fancies Anna, but Anna loves Peter. To complicate matters, Tiger is the son of a witch doctor who was recently defeated for Chief of the village by Anna's father. Annoyed at being snubbed, Tiger seeks his father's help to raise a zombi (that's without the "e" on the end !) to take revenge. An old woman, presumably a good witch, manages to defeat and kill the witch doctor. B...


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