



  • bjm3u8
  • 剧情介绍

2021-11-15T15:56:56 2011年韩国 / 法国8.0分爱情片类电影《粉色》韩语版

  Busan’s representative director Jeon Soo-il’s eight full feature film is set around Pink, a shabby bar, and captures in detail the low lives with the director’s characteristic static style. The performance by Seo Gap-suk, who returns to the big screen for the first in over 10 years since [Bongja], music by artist Kang San-eh, and the picturesque scenery of Goon-san beach, complete with the flying seagulls, add make the film an unquestionably memorable experience. 本剧最后更新时间  Busan’s representative director Jeon Soo-il’s eight full feature film is set around Pink, a shabby bar, and captures in detail the low lives with the director’s characteristic static style. The performance by Seo Gap-suk, who returns to the big screen for the first in over 10 years since [Bongja], music by artist Kang San-eh, and the picturesque scenery of Goon-san beach, complete with the flying seagulls, add make the film an unquestionably memorable experience.


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