
剑客 2020



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2021-11-15T17:42:50 2019年韩国8.0分动作片类电影《剑客 2020》韩语版

"Three different swordsmen meet each other for their own reasons." Tae Yul, a swordsman in his thirties goes out to find his only daughter after losing one of his eyes. Min Seung Ho, ysgou.cc the Joseon Dynasty's best swordsman chooses an ordinary simple life after perceiving the transient nature of power. Gurutai, the best swordsman in Qing Dynasty aspires to become the best even in the Joseon Dynasty. 本剧最后更新时间"Three different swordsmen meet each other for their own reasons." Tae Yul, a swordsman in his thirties goes out to find his only daughter after losing one of his eyes. Min Seung Ho, ysgou.cc the Joseon Dynasty's best swordsman chooses an ordinary simple life after perceiving the transient nature of power. Gurutai, the best swordsman in Qing Dynasty aspires to become the best even in the Joseon Dynasty.


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