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  • 剧情介绍

2021-11-15T16:28:58 2006年瑞士6.0分喜剧片类电影《疑路向东》无版

SYNOPSIS From all outward appearances, Lionel is a happy gay man with a career as a cultural commentator on Swiss radio and a family who accepts his devoted lover, Serge, as one of their own. After discovering the story of a scurrilous ancestor who emigrated from Poland to Switzerland, Lionel begins to immerse himself in everything Polish. Lionel’s life begins to heat up when h... 本剧最后更新时间SYNOPSIS From all outward appearances, Lionel is a happy gay man with a career as a cultural commentator on Swiss radio and a family who accepts his devoted lover, Serge, as one of their own. After discovering the story of a scurrilous ancestor who emigrated from Poland to Switzerland, Lionel begins to immerse himself in everything Polish. Lionel’s life begins to heat up when h...


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