



  • bjm3u8
  • 剧情介绍

2021-11-15T16:25:15 1956年南斯拉夫8.0分剧情片类电影《别回头我的儿子》无版

A partisan comes secretly to town to find about what happened to his little son who barely remembers him. He is horrified when he finds out that his son is raised in a colaborators orphanage, brought up to hate communists and partisans. He decides to take his son to the freed territory with him, but will he manage to escape the police checkings? 本剧最后更新时间A partisan comes secretly to town to find about what happened to his little son who barely remembers him. He is horrified when he finds out that his son is raised in a colaborators orphanage, brought up to hate communists and partisans. He decides to take his son to the freed territory with him, but will he manage to escape the police checkings?


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