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2021-12-03T16:03:36 2015年阿根廷9.0分喜剧,阿根廷,2015,喜剧片类电影《霍滕西亚》西班牙语版

  Hortensias father is electrocuted with the refrigerator door; she is fired from work; she discovers that her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend. Desperate, follows the goals she wrote when was fourteen: to marry a boy who is blond like my father and to design the most beautiful shoe in the world. Things will only get worse while she fails to listen to her true self. 本剧最后更新时间  Hortensias father is electrocuted with the refrigerator door; she is fired from work; she discovers that her boyfriend is cheating on her with her best friend. Desperate, follows the goals she wrote when was fourteen: to marry a boy who is blond like my father and to design the most beautiful shoe in the world. Things will only get worse while she fails to listen to her true self.


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