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2022-12-04T14:05:17 2022年印度6.0分剧情片类电影《迷情杀机:卷土重来》印地语版

8 years after Rakesh Mahadkar reigned terror on Mumbai, another serial killer has taken birth. More brutal and more dangerous but one that uses the same cover, the Smiley Mask. Ek Villain Returns is the story of two men in one sided love. The paths they choose to fulfill their love stories decide who the Hero is and who is the Villain. 本剧最后更新时间8 years after Rakesh Mahadkar reigned terror on Mumbai, another serial killer has taken birth. More brutal and more dangerous but one that uses the same cover, the Smiley Mask. Ek Villain Returns is the story of two men in one sided love. The paths they choose to fulfill their love stories decide who the Hero is and who is the Villain.


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